Nurse On Board
Susan Hagar
At Nurse On Board we foster the idea that it's “ your body, your business” and seek to support our clients when considering Integrative Medicine along side or instead of conventional medical treatments. As we provide home visits, this makes it easier than ever to investigate options, in the comfort of your own home.
As trustworthy regulated health professionals, Registered Nurses offering holistic care uphold the standards of nursing practice and honour ethical requirements in the provision of Integrative Medicine. Nurses are the ideal practitioners to identify your wellness needs, advocate for your health, and facilitate your healing journey.
The definition of healing is “to make free from injury or disease”. Our holistic approach to becoming well addresses concerns that include nutritional deficits, weight challenges, gastrointestinal issues, fatigue, insomnia, pain, stress, nausea, and anxiety, to name just a few. The balancing effects of our holistic approach to care will help the body to deal with symptoms more effectively.
Through Nurse On Board, we offer energy therapy, nutritional counselling, psychotherapy, meditation guidance, cannabis counselling, and homeopathy, all beneficial in addressing health matters, without the side effects of mainstream treatment protocols. Our fees are an eligible medical expense on income tax, are HST exempt, and may be covered by third party insurance.
How they can help in your wellness journey
When energy stops flowing, we stop glowing. This is a goal of Nurse On Board, to enhance the flow of energy, and to optimize health and wellness through our holistic care. Provided by highly experienced Registered Nurses, our ability to assess, diagnose, intervene, and evaluate approaches to integrative care are the result of years of nursing experience, bringing advanced knowledge, skill and judgement to holistic therapies.
- Reiki
- Health Coaching
- Psychotherapy
- Nutritional Counselling
- Meditation Guidance
- Cannabis Counselling
- Homeopathy
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Services offered online/virtual and in-person.
Wellness dimensions
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- Spiritual
- Social
- Environmental